Well, here we are ... This is my squadron ... awaiting clearance for takeoff ...
There, right at the back is me... (with huge headache). The Saturday wine was not so great.
That what you see is my little Stuka (Junkers-87). It loves company.
Alone, is not so well handle and is mostly catched by "bad guys“ and no wonder, if it bites into the grass.
It is better if it wanders along with other of its kind doing nonsense , and not alone ...
One matters should let him take too much, it will start to stagger, so it does not know exactly how it should be done and needs to be constantly persuaded not to push nonsense.
It flies themselves comfortable (that is, damned slow ..:)), but it gets pretty bitchy when it comes down. Therefore,
one should take him slowly the juice, close him the beak and put him the brakes on . But if it starts to give notes of himself , ( required, one has taught him a lot what it has to do and it knows when it has to scream, ")
One has to make it clear, pulls him back up, give him drink again properly, and leaves it home run ".
Ah yes, do not forget to make the beak freely again, otherwise it runs hot and suffocating, and that was it with the "Together nonsense driving" ...
(Hi, hi ... Come to me of something else very familiar with ...:)).