A short introduction brief to tactics and strategics.

Hmm, since someone (well known), have eaten the apple, on demand of someone else (also well known ),
people are inclined to bang their heads each other, mostly "for an apple and an egg" .


It has not yet been found out, defying of embedded whiteness in  the fruit - or the above named has picked a rotten fruit?
One might well to think that, after one reads the story and then take a look around the world what is going on....
But at least , one  was thinking about exactly how he can best hit the other without getting himself into danger
and the other then was thinking about how he could turn the tables.
Thus, the tactics and strategies are born. (And all the misery associated with, too ....)
What would have happened, if they had possessed, at that time, a few computers?
It would have been ideal , or not ?
But they are there now. So the solution is:
      simulate everything
      nobody happens something bad,
      everybody have his  fun,
      and a committee  decide who won or not , and what will happens...

You loved it or not?

Well, the problem is, I believe, anywhere else .....
One is not ready yet (still stupid, and in the stone age, defying of the moon landing.)

Although there was times of a case in the history , and that in ancient Persia, when I'm not mistaken,
where a war has been decided by a game of chess , and that in spite of established armies.
No blood, no misery but party! AHA! It really works! You just have to want....
Well, see above ..... We should first think about it , and probably in a few thousands of years, we will do it.
Assuming, we don’t clean ourself away from the planet...
We on  Melmac , we do it so and all are very happy with . Dare you!
Sorry because of the bad english....automatic translation...